
플라스틱 CNC 가공 VS 3D 프린팅, 최선의 선택은 무엇입니까?

이전 기사에서 SUN-YEE TECH는 플라스틱을 소량 처리하는 두 가지 일반적인 방법을 소개했습니다., 플라스틱 CNC 가공 및 3D 프린팅. 두 프로그램 모두 장단점이 있습니다. 가장 적합한 방법을 어떻게 선택합니까?? 프로토타입이나 소량 생산을 고려하는 경우, 저렴한 비용, 빠른 배송, 우수한 품질의 생산 방법은 의심할 여지 없이 가장 바람직한 선택입니다.. 하지만, manufacturing prototypes and...

플라스틱 가공 기술 CNC 및 3D 프린팅

CNC와 3D 프린팅은 플라스틱 가공 기술의 두 가지 일반적인 가공 방법입니다., 특히 플라스틱 부품의 소규모 배치 처리에 적합. 이 두 가지 기술을 더 자세히 이해하려면, SUN-YEE TECH는 이 두 가지 기술을 여러분께 소개하고자 합니다.. 자세한 내용은, 저희에게 연락하게 자유롭게 느끼십시오! CNC Plastic Processing Technology CNC machining is a subtractive manufacturing...

진공 성형 공정 단계, 당신은 알고 있나요?

진공 성형 공정은 PC와 같은 재료를 사용하는 것입니다., ABS, PVC, 추신, 애완 동물, 등., 그리고 가열 과정을 거치게 됩니다., 진공 성형, 냉각, 등. 블리스 터 성형기에서. 금형의 형상에 맞게 성형되도록. 그런 다음 나이프 다이를 사용하여 프레스에서 개별 제품에 스탬프를 찍습니다.. 마지막으로, the...

Why do injection molded parts produce air bubbles and vacuum bubbles?

Injection molded parts are prone to air bubbles and vacuum bubbles during processing, which may be due to the following reasons The reasons case injection molded parts produce air bubbles and vacuum bubbles Improper control of molding conditions Many process parameters have a direct impact on the generation of air bubbles and vacuum bubbles. Injection pressure is too low, injection speed is too...

Plastic fittings in the medical industry

Plastic fittings have a wide range of applications in the medical industry. Plastic rubber has long been one of the important raw materials for medical devices and pharmaceutical packaging. With the booming development of the industry, a variety of high-performance plastics and technologies applied to medical devices continue to emerge. In addition to the traditional medical plastics, such as PP,...

How to choose between aluminum casting machining and CNC machining?

Aluminum casting machining and CNC machining Aluminum casting machining and CNC machining are both common manufacturing methods. They have their own advantages and disadvantages in different contexts. Below SUN-YEE TECH compares them from various dimensions such as material properties, cost, production lead time, accuracy, 등. and gives final recommendations. 1. Material properties Aluminum alloy casting processing: aluminum alloy casting can produce complex shapes...

What are the benefits of CNC precision machining?

The sunk costs of CNC precision machining may be a bit higher than traditional machining methods. 하지만, in the long run, the benefits offered by the process definitely make it worth the extra investment. What are all the benefits? Introduced to you by Sun-Yee Tech 1. CNC precision machining with tight tolerance control Tight tolerances are the primary reason for using CNC precision...

CNC Small Batch Machining SUN-YEE Tech

CNC small batch Machining With the rapid development of aerospace, communications, electronics, medical equipment and other industries. The traditional machining process has been unable to meet the diverse, batch, complex precision stainless steel nozzle parts processing needs. The processing industry is rapidly developing in the direction of high efficiency, precision and composite. And CNC small batch processing has become a good...