
ชื่อแบรนด์: ซุนยีพรีซิชั่น
การรับรอง: ISO90001,ISO13485
ปริมาณการสั่งซื้อขั้นต่ำ: หนึ่งชิ้น
เงื่อนไขการชำระเงิน: แอล/ซี, ที/ที
สถานที่กำเนิด: กวางตุ้ง, จีน
ราคา: ใบเสนอราคาตามที่ต้องการ



What Properties Of Brass Make It Suitable For CNC Machining?

As mentioned earlier, brass majorly contains copper and zinc. It could also contain other metals such as silicon, เหล็ก, lead, or magnesium that bestow it with additional properties. อย่างไรก็ตาม, the catch about brass is that the copper and zinc content can be adjusted to fit any intended application. These varying proportions of brass are what really produce the various grades of brass used in machining custom brass parts.

Let’s review these properties and how they affect brass’s suitability for the CNC machining process:

machining brass

1. Highly Machinable

Brass is one of the easiest metals to machine. This property is due to the presence of lead in its composition. With machining properties like high feed rates, good ductility, and flexibility, machining brass is an easy task for most machinists. The machinability of brass is the major reason brass manufacturing using the CNC process is quite common.

2. Corrosion Resistance

One of the properties which make brass a suitable choice for machining is its corrosion resistance. This property is one of the reasons why tools made out of brass have a long tool life. Also, it makes parts made out of the material suitable for use in liquid environments. อย่างไรก็ตาม, its corrosion resistance level depends on the number of constituents like iron and aluminum.

3. Malleability

Brass is extremely malleable due to its copper content. อย่างไรก็ตาม, the metal is even more malleable than copper. Its high malleability makes it an easy choice for machining projects. This is because the machinists can easily manipulate the metal into different shapes. This is why custom brass machined parts.

4. Strength and Hardness

Brass is also renowned for its strength despite its easy machinability. While it is not as strong as เหล็ก, it is also quite durable.


5. Aesthetic Appeal

One of the major factors considered in machining is the aesthetic appeal of the finished part. With its bright golden color, brass definitely has the look to go with its other properties. Its beautiful natural finish means brass machined parts can be used without external finishes.

Types Of Brass Grades For CNC Machining

There are different grades of brass which all depend on the constituent of copper and zinc it contains. These variations in composition also affect the properties of applications of various grades of brass. This section will review a few of them alongside their advantages, disadvantages, and applications.


Brass C360

Machinists commonly refer to this alloy as free machining brass. It is the most common brass grade used in machining. It is renowned for its high machinability and tensile strength. Its high machinability is attributed to its lead content which makes up about 3% of its constituents. Machinists use it for machining brass custom parts such as electrical equipment and joints or screws.


  • Easily machinable.
  • Corrosion resistance.
  • Good tensile strength.


  • Lead content could cause issues if used for medical applications.
  • Susceptible to acids.













We specialize in the automotive,ทางการแพทย์,areospece industry for designing and machining aluminum parts and metal and plastic components for different automotive applications using our rapid prototyping, custom 3D printing service, online metal fabrication, and low-volume CNC machining production. Our in-house team of CNC and 3D printing manufacturers and engineers ensures improved machining for plastic and metal parts and assembly through every step, from production to examination and testing of the physical prototype. We ensure supply chain flexibility with our rapid tooling, automated quoting of low-volume production parts, and quality digital inspections.

To summarize, we can manufacture a range of brass, เหล็ก, stainless steel and plastic turned components at our subcontract machining plant. SUN-YEE always look to invest in the latest CNC turning machinery in order to remain at the forefront of manufacturing. Specifically, multiple quality checks are operate on all components ensuring 100 percent customer satisfaction. Our skilled staff are trained to use precision measuring equipment thus enabling us to offer a first class product.