
塑料CNC加工VS 3D打印, 最好的选择是什么?

在上一篇文章中,舜益科技介绍了两种常见的塑料小批量加工方式, 塑料CNC加工和3D打印. 两个方案各有优势. 如何选择最适合的方式? 在考虑原型和小批量生产时, 低成本, 快速交货, 而品质卓越的生产方式无疑是最理想的选择. 然而, manufacturing prototypes and...

塑料加工技术 CNC 和 3D 打印

CNC和3D打印是塑料加工技术中两种常见的加工方式, 特别适用于塑料件的小批量加工. 为了更详细地了解这两种技术, 新易科技为您介绍这两项技术. 欲了解更多信息, 请随时联系我们! CNC Plastic Processing Technology CNC machining is a subtractive manufacturing...

真空成型工艺步骤, 你知道吗?

真空成型工艺是采取PC等材料, ABS, PVC, 聚苯乙烯, 宠物, ETC。, 并让它们经过加热的过程, 真空成型, 冷却, ETC. 在吸塑成型机中. 使其按照模具的形状成型. 然后用刀模在压力机上冲压成单独的产品. 最后, the...


注塑件在加工过程中容易产生气泡和真空泡, which may be due to the following reasons The reasons case injection molded parts produce air bubbles and vacuum bubbles Improper control of molding conditions Many process parameters have a direct impact on the generation of air bubbles and vacuum bubbles. 注射压力太低, injection speed is too...


塑料配件在医疗行业有着广泛的应用. 塑料橡胶长期以来一直是医疗器械和药品包装的重要原材料之一. With the booming development of the industry, a variety of high-performance plastics and technologies applied to medical devices continue to emerge. In addition to the traditional medical plastics, such as PP,...


Aluminum casting machining and CNC machining Aluminum casting machining and CNC machining are both common manufacturing methods. 它们在不同的环境下有各自的优点和缺点. 下面新易科技从材料特性等各个维度进行了比较, 成本, 生产提前期, 准确性, ETC. 并给出最终建议. 1. Material properties Aluminum alloy casting processing: aluminum alloy casting can produce complex shapes...


CNC精密加工的沉没成本可能比传统加工方法高一点. 然而, 从长远来看, the benefits offered by the process definitely make it worth the extra investment. What are all the benefits? Introduced to you by Sun-Yee Tech 1. CNC precision machining with tight tolerance control Tight tolerances are the primary reason for using CNC precision...

CNC小批量加工 新一科技

CNC small batch Machining With the rapid development of aerospace, 通讯, 电子产品, 医疗器械等行业. 传统的机械加工工艺已无法满足多样化的需求, 批, complex precision stainless steel nozzle parts processing needs. The processing industry is rapidly developing in the direction of high efficiency, precision and composite. And CNC small batch processing has become a good...